How To Set Up A Blog On WordPress

how to set up a blog on wordpress

FREE eBook Reveals How YOU Can Start A Blog TODAY Without Having To Be A Techno Wizard!

An article from professional blogger Pete Harris which reveals the secrets on how to set up a blog on WordPress. Discover the secrets within a free step by step training guide.

pete harrisHello, Pete Harris here, and many people who want to know how to set up a blog on WordPress think that they must be some kind of tech wizard to get everything set up correctly. Sadly, this stops many people from starting but the simple facts are these. If you can use a keyboard and have some basic computer skills then you can create your own blog. That is why I am here to help you.

I first entered the blogging sphere some around 2013. like many people I looked for the right platform to enable me to get my message out to the world.

My initial thoughts about building a website or blog were that you did need to be technically gifted. I had researched the topic of website building and heard these horror stories of having to know HTML and specific code. Then there was something called FTP which transferred files from one server to another. Frankly the thought of all that techno babble really put me off but I was determined to find a solution.

Was Google’s Blogger Platform The Solution?

So, I started to use Google’s blogging platform called Blogger because it seemed quite simple to get up and running. It was a drag and drop page editor, but it had limited functionality. I was initially using it for affiliate marketing. The trouble was that the design element was in my opinion very poor. It simply didn’t give that professional look and feel that I wanted.

I continued with Blogger for a while but soon realised that I needed another platform. One which would give me the professional appearance I was looking for. I must admit I had heard of WordPress. Therefore I started to investigate using that platform for my blogs and websites.

how to set up a blog on wordpress

Now when it comes to WordPress there are two platforms which can confuse people like it did me. The first is which is contained on their own servers. However you are regulated to some extent by their terms and conditions. When I investigated I realised that they were not suitable for business blogs. They had restrictions on what you could and couldn’t do in relation to monetizing content. Also at that time you couldn’t have your own custom domain name.

The other option was to have the WordPress script installed on your own domain and that was through With this you had total control over the content you published because you had independent servers through website hosting companies. This seemed the best option for me but to be fair I was still unsure whether I would be capable of setting everything up.

My WordPress Lightbulb Moment!

Now call it fate or what ever you want. I was fortunate to connect with a guy who had had a lot of success through blogging. Especially within the affiliate marketing world. As I have said I was involved with affiliate marketing and he really opened my eyes as to what you can do with having a WordPress blog which you owned and controlled.

With his help I created my first WordPress blog under my own name. The blog is located at which now has over 400 blog posts. At first like anything new there were some challenges. I was entering a completely new playing field but it soon became apparent that WordPress is a lot easier than what I first thought. With his help, my determination and willingness to learn, the process of building the blog and adding content became easier as time went by. My initial fears were laid to rest. Since then I have not only created other blogs for my own business using WordPress on my own domains. I have also built blogs for other people. 

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How To Set Up A Blog On WordPress – Let Me Hold You By The Hand When You Build Your First WordPress Blog!

Now I am a great believer of what goes around comes around. I have been in the position that you are of wanting to know how to set up a blog on WordPress. Maybe the fears you have relate to the ones I had just a few years ago?

So, I want to be that person to help you get your WordPress blog up and running. The tables have turned for me and I know that I can create a blog from scratch within any industry. I have gained the skill sets need with some help from the guy that I mentioned earlier, but 80% – 90% I have learned for myself.

Yes, I have made mistakes in the past. Yes there have been hurdles that I have needed to overcome. The thing is though, when it comes to challenges then I am like a dog with a bone. I won’t let go and give up.

Apprentice Becomes The Teacher

It is now my time to give back. I will always appreciate the help that I have received in the past and I am fortunate to be in the position of having the right contacts, if I ever need extra help, which I do from time to time as I am only human after all. The great thing is that when I learn something new, I can pass it on to you if you would like me to.

I am now qualified to pass on my knowledge to other people. I know how daunting the thought of building out a blog is. Do you want me want to shorten your learning curve? This will help you not make the mistakes that I have in the past.

Over the years I have come to realise that it is much easier to do something if you are prepared to learn from others. Too many times in the past I have tried to figure things out for myself. This means it takes longer to get things done. Also in many cases the end product is not as good as it could have been if I had sought the help that I needed from people in the know.

Therefore, I have created my own training guide on how to set up a blog on WordPress. It is a step by step guide on what to do and when to do it. Introducing!

How To Set Up A Blog On WordPress – How To Start A Blog Training Guide

how to start a blog ebookI cover everything from creating the right mindset and gaining the clarity of why you want to set up a blog. Then I go into niche and market research so you have total confidence that you are entering a space that is full of people craving for the information that you will ultimately publish.

The guide then continues with content creation and looks at topics such as the types and styles of content to create. Now to get that content in front of the right people is a kind of a science. That is why  I cover the search engine optimization strategies and tactics you need to follow.

That’s not all as I will show you how to cast a wide net over the internet by distributing your content.  This helps gain maximum exposure for your blog and content.

If you are looking to potentially make a living from your blog, then I have you covered as contained in the guide are multiple ways to monetize your blog. The last thing is the life blood of your blog. That is getting as many eyeballs as possible to your content, so I have included a chapter on traffic generation.

So, all in all I have created a fantastic free resource for you to help you get your WordPress blog online in the quickest time. I will also stop you making the mistakes I did when I was trying to figure things out. Sound good?

How To Set Up A Blog On WordPress – Where Can You Grab A Copy?

So how can you get your hands on my free training guide on how to start a blog?

Well I have made it super simple for you. All you have to do is click on the download button below and you will be taken to another web page. There you just need to enter your name and email address, click the submit button and my free training guide will be delivered to your inbox instantly.

the blogging factory download button

You landed on this web page because you were looking for information on how to set up a blog on WordPress. Hopefully you now have the confidence to create your own stunning blog by leveraging this very powerful platform. I have told you my story of the trials, tribulations and fears that I once had and how I have overcome them to now be in a position to help you. I sincerely hope that you give me that opportunity by downloading my free training guide. Click the download button above or here to grab you copy.


As always, I wish you every success.

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Pete Harris

Professional Blogger & Information Publisher

Founder Of The Blogging Factory


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